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Vita Dolce Moderato
Kai Wen!
28April 1995

History is my passion
''I'm not clever, i'm just passionately curious'' -Albert Einstein

Saturday, March 28, 2015

sorry & thank you

It has been a long long time since I've posted anything.
But today, I am here to dedicate this post to the man behind this successful nation.
Yes, he is Mr Lee Kuan Yew, our first prime minister.
He has passed away on 23rd March 2015, a very solemn and sad day for all of us.
He will be giving the highest honor of funeral and I think he does indeed deserves that.
We Singaporeans may not talk much about him daily, but we all know, deep down in our heart,
that he was the one that has made what Singapore is today. Of course with the help of the other ministers. But without him, I don't think we would even have started from anywhere.
Often, we take things for granted, we complain (because we all know Singaporeans like to do that),
we demanded more, when we already have much more than what others have.
And for that, I am sorry, because I am one of those that complained.
I am not the most patriotic person, but I know how much Mr Lee has done for this country, and for his people. I don't think I will become a patriot any time soon, but I am thankful, for everything he has done. From cleaning up the Singapore River, eliminating corruption, laws to protect us, making me feel safe even walking out alone to buy supper at night, and to giving us clean water. I often said that I would want to migrate if I get the chance to, it most mostly due to the stressful education system, and high cost of living here. But, I have come to realized and appreciate this education system because we are being recognised as one of the top choices for education.

This man, has used his whole life, dedicated to building this nation and also turning it into a garden city. I am happy to stay in this beautiful environment, have a efficient transport system and not having to apply for visa to go most of the countries. Its his death that brought Singaporeans to realise that the man that was always there for Singapore is no longer with us. And its also the first time I saw Singaporeans queuing up for so long just to pay respect to him (other than discounts or sales). And this, brought us together, bonded, and united. But it is also heart wrenching to see people just tearing up for him, I cannot fathom how much he has done or feel as much as the older generation, because while I was growing up, I only heard little stories of him. But, I am also happy to say that I have attended the same primary school as he was; Telok Kurau Primary. I love history, but not so much interest of Singapore's but Mr Lee's death, will always be part of it and his legacy will be assured.

I have heard things about him, about what he do to always be in power, how he handles his political opponents. But, these are not proven, and the things he have done for Singapore are. However, I have heard people telling me that they have experiences overseas whereby citizens have shown their love for Mr Lee, and how lucky we are to have him. They are envious, and Mr Lee has made Singapore, this small little country, known to every other people. Recently, I've been reading articles about his life, his love for his wife, his love for us, his love for Singapore and his leadership. I am also surprised to see many world leaders sending condolences and flying here to pay respects. It shows how much effort he has put in to build relationships with them.

"50 years ago he wept for the nation, 50 years later the nation weeps for him"

I may not have experience many of the dramatic changes he have made to Singapore, but I know that if it wasn't for him, there wouldn't be us, there wouldn't be this Singapore. My mum, a PR, also respects Mr Lee, and constantly said that he had contributed a lot to give us this comfortable life and that if it wasn't for him, Singapore would not have made it. The separation from Malaysia did not come wasted, although he struggled, he still manage to lift this nation up, and took the responsibility of the people lives in his hands.

I have paid my respect on thursday 26 march. It was a long wait, but it was worth it. It was the last chance and will be a good memory for me. Even after he have stepped down from being the prime minister, he still looks out for all of us. He was a thrifty man, and encourage the use of as little budget as possible. He does not live in a mansion or a grand house, it is just a property off Oxley road that is not renovated or whatsoever.

Thank you Mr Lee, for everything you have done, I am sure you have no regrets seeing how Singapore is today. I am sure Mr Lee Hsien Loong will carry out what you believe and your values and to help Singapore prosper even more. I am regretful you cannot celebrate the SG50 with us this year but I know you will feel proud to see this country turning 50 all thanks to you. I am sorry we all took so many things for granted. And I know you will always watch over Singapore wherever you are. To me, you are not just a leader, you are a founding father, a father that all Singaporeans share.
I hope you reunite with your beloved wife.


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